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This 55 page eBook Work from Home Productivity comes with a supporting mind map, checklist and resource cheat sheet to assist how you can work from home successfully and benefit from the flexibility, comfort and productivity that it entails.
Working from home can be the best thing that could happen to you. You'll be more productive, you'll earn more, and you'll have more spare time to work on your self-development, your hobbies, and the things that really matter to you.
You should grasp this opportunity with both hands and apply a little strategy and discipline. Most importantly you gain the correct mindset that will help you to tackle this unique challenge in the best way possible.
And what does all that mean? It means that you can now finish your day's work in less time. Because let's face it most of us wasted hours in the office on meetings and chatting around the water cooler! It means that you have no commute either, meaning that you probably just gained 2-4 hours of extra time every single day.
You'll work in a tidy and organized space that is designed specifically to help you feel productive at work, and then you'll properly relax and unwind in the evenings with the people and things you love. The best part is that you can start applying a little lifestyle design. That means working in the way you want to work, working the hours that you like, and even from different locations. Why not do extra work throughout the week so that you can have Fridays off?
Why not forego working in your home office (if possible) and instead go and work in a café somewhere? Or even while looking at a looking at a beautiful local landmark? Why not work from your garden, if going outside is not an option? All this is possible when you work from home, whether you are freelancing or employed by a large organization. All you need is to approach this in the right way, and with the right state of mind.
What You'll Learn:
Working From Home Is What You Make Of It
How To Structure Your Working Day
Eating The Whole Frog And The 1 Minute Rule
Productivity Hacks
How To Motivate Yourself To Work
Setting Yourself Rewards
Leaving Work Unfinished
Overcoming Writers' Block
Prepping Your Work
Creating Accountability
The Key To Incredible Productivity
Optimizing Your Health And Well-being
Getting Proper Downtime And Rest
Grooming And Self-Maintenance
Dealing With Loneliness
Fitness And Strength Training
Creating The Perfect Home Office
Inspiration And Organization
Faces And Plants
The Best Productivity Apps And Gadgets
Remote Collaboration
Personal Workflow And Admin
Programmer Or Software Developer
Best Online Jobs
And Much More!