Top travel beauty and toiletry bag essentials

Traveling light is the key to traveling easier with less hassle. Each time I travel, I try to make a point of pairing down to the essentials especially when it comes to toiletries and beauty products. It's so easy to get carried away and end up with big bulky bags of things you don't end up using. The struggle can be real whether you're well traveled or new to the experience.

As I've said before in previous posts, I love to write about various topics, not just beauty, health and wellness and travel is something I really love! 

Best questions to ask yourself when packing your toiletry bag:

  • Will I really need this and is it essential to my location and weather?
  • Is this readily available where I'm going and can I get it there if I really need it instead of packing it now?
  • Is there a miniature version of the item?
  • How long am I traveling for? Weekend? Several weeks?
  • How important is that item to my travel experience?


I make a list if I'm going on a long trip and look at things like location, season, weather, temperature and terrain. Will the weather be cold, hot, windy, rainy, snowy, sunny, dry? Is it a city, beach, nature, walking or relaxing getaway? Consider your surroundings and think about your skin, hair and general well-being. Will there be general amenities like a shower, bath, toilet and basins? If you're camping, backpacking or staying in a hostel, these are all things to think of.


 A checklist and a few sturdy toiletry bags can keep things organized and separated based on your needs and their uses. A stretchy bag or tote for shopping, a day trip or the beach are essential as they take up very little space in your luggage and really come in handy for wet towels, going to the market or general sightseeing out and about. 


 My best essentials for backpacking, camping and rustic cabin travel:

Obviously rustic travel is more about care, safety, comfort and survival (depending on your level of adventure) and less about beauty. Your items would be very different to say staying in a hotel or resort where everything is available and we're quite pampered. If you're well traveled you'll know this, but if you're fairly new to the traveling game, here's a short list of what I like to take for more rustic outdoor trips to be safe and comfortable. They are more about survival on long hikes or more remote locations or small towns.

  • Tissues and toiletpaper
  • Chapstick or lip conditioner
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug spray
  • Matches/lighter
  • Light blanket 
  • Water bottle
  • Compass
  • Knife
  • Snacks
  • Rain cover
  • Sunglasses
  • First aid kit (this includes antiseptic ointment, scissors, cleaning swabs, bandage, tweezers, band aids)
  • Headache tablets or painkillers
  • Sensible shoes and clothes
  • A towel/wash cloth

When I travel somewhere more traditional like a hotel or resort, my list is more about beauty and pampering products obviously as I'll be eating out in cafes and restaurants and perhaps going to the theatre. I try to find miniatures of my favourites. 


I've created a digital travel planner with 80 printable handy sheets to print off. They provide an area for expenses, duration, food to try, sights to see, a notes area and 6 day blocks for planning. Each page is themed with travel items, countries and continents so you can print off multiples of the ones you really love!

I hope you came away with a few ideas from this post. I often come back and add more to my articles on later dates and enjoy sharing my thoughts with you.

Happy travels!


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